Latest Episodes

Communication & Connection in Relationships - YLAM240025
Communication is vital for healthy connection in relationships. It’s important for nurturing friendship and understanding and it’s also essential for navigating more challenging relationship...

Power & Protection in Relationships - YLAM240024
We can use the personal power we have in relationships in various ways. The way we exercise power can either build healthy relationship dynamics...

Timeline of Relationships - YLAM240023
Relationships are part of our lives throughout life. They grow and develop through time and what our relationships were in the past can influence...

How to Have Dynamic Relationships- YLAM240022
Healthy relationships have a huge impact on our wellbeing – it is God’s plan for us to enjoy meaningful, dynamic relationships. Yet so many...

The Benefits and Process of Forgiveness - YLAM240021
Forgiveness might seem like a simple concept at first, but in reality, it reaches into the deepest layers of our lives. In its truest...

The Struggle to Forgive - YLAM240020
Most people struggle with forgiveness. It is hard to work through deep emotional hurts to achieve understanding and healing. Often misconceptions about forgiveness and...